We know you have a number of choices when buying the infinity INUSB-3 foot pedal on the web. We also have available, excellent transcription headsets, from beginner to expert on our site. If you are looking for a universal USB digital transcriber pedal with the start and stop, plus rewind and fast forward functions, this is a perfect choice. The pedal is well constructed for transcribing 1 hour a day or 8 hours per day. We did some testing over the last 6 years and the durability of the foot pedal is amazing. Transcription people love the USB3 transcription pedal because it is very hard to break. You can use any word processing program you want. The ability to start-stop, rewind the transcription audio files lets you to free your hands to type up the dictation files. The transcription software is actually giving the USB foot pedal commands such as rewind, backspace and play.
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Our 1-800 support number takes you directly to a LIVE support person that has full knowledge of this product.We offer a complete, unconditional guarantee on this product.Benefits from buying from Martel, We are the #1 seller of Infinity USB3 USB foot pedals

That is why there is a purpose made transcription software.
#Infinity box legal software
The computer transcription foot pedals all need software to run. Answer: there is no USB foot pedal that will work with windows media player. So why do you need a USB foot pedal? One of the questions we get all the time is: will this foot pedal work with windows media player. It works with just about any transcription program. It can literally be used with dozens of software's for both transcribing and recording. "Infinity foot pedal" is the answer you have been searching for. Is the best selling universal transcription foot control on the market. The Infinity IN-USB-3 aka "Infinity foot pedal" is the solution you have been searching for.